Monday 4 December 2017

Chocolate Orange Brownies

chocolate orange brownies

I made these chocolate orange brownies for the recent Christmas NamasTEA event and they proved really popular. I always associate the classic combination of chocolate and orange with Christmas thanks to the tradition of previously receiving a Terry's Chocolate Orange in my Christmas stocking. Nowadays, I'm all about the healthy alternatives and these brownies fit the guilt-free bill perfectly. I highly recommend including the frosting, which first featured in my recipe for Fudgey Sweet Potato Chocolate Cake with Creamy Avocado Frosting (recipe here). It is rich and creamy and perfectly complements the chocolate cake base- no-one at the NamasTEA event could believe the secret ingredient of avocado!

Three great health benefits: boosts mood, beneficial for heart health, promotes healthy skin 

Makes 16 brownies

1 & 1/2 cups buckwheat flour
1/2 cup cacao powder
Pinch sea salt
1 & 1/3 cup smooth almond butter
3/4 cup maple syrup
Juice of 4 oranges
Zest of 2 oranges
Coconut oil, for greasing the tin

For the frosting:
8 medjool dates, pitted and soaked for 15 minutes in boiling water (then drained)
1 large ripe avocado or 3 ripe baby avocado, peeled and with the stone removed
1/2 cup raw cacao powder
1/4 cup maple syrup
Zest of an orange, to decorate

1) Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. Grease an 8 inch square cake tin with coconut oil.
2) In a mixing bowl, combine the buckwheat flour, salt and cacao powder.
3) Next, add the wet ingredients (almond butter, maple syrup, orange juice and zest) and stir, ensuring the mixture is thoroughly combined.
4) Pour the mixture into the prepared tin and smooth the top so that it is evenly distributed. Bake for 30 minutes until the brownie is set in the middle and a knife inserted into the centre comes out clean. Set aside to cool.
5) Meanwhile, make the frosting by whizzing together the dates, avocado, cacao powder and maple syrup until smooth and creamy and the avocado is completely blended in. Top the brownie with the frosting and decorate with the grated zest of an orange. Slice into individual portions.

Let me know if you try out this recipe! Tag me on Twitter @HaloEats or Instagram @halo.eats 

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