Wednesday 5 September 2018

Jackfruit Lettuce Wraps with Plum Sauce

jackfruit lettuce wraps with plum sauce

Whenever I used to have a Chinese takeaway, one of my favourite dishes was pancakes with plum sauce and as I don't think that I'm alone in that, I wanted to create a healthy & vegan friendly version. I'm so excited to share this recipe with you, with a plum sauce which perfectly captures the classic oriental flavour along with jackfruit for that "pulled meaty" texture and fresh lettuce wraps. It's difficult to get across just how good this is so I really hope that you'll try it for yourself!

Three great health benefits: boosts immunity, promotes healthy skin, beneficial for eye health

Makes 8 wraps
Enjoy immediately

6 plums, de-stoned and roughly chopped (280g)
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 inch piece fresh ginger, grated
1 (small) red chilli, de-seeded and finely chopped
1 cinnamon stick (2 inches)
2 tbsp maple syrup
2 tbsp tamari soy sauce
2 tbsp water
Freshly ground black pepper (few twists)
1 gem lettuce, washed and outer leaves removed.
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 x 400g can young jackfruit pieces, drained and rinsed

1) In a small saucepan over a medium heat, place the plums, garlic, ginger, chilli, cinnamon, maple syrup, tamari, water and pepper. Stir and bring to the boil. Allow to bubble for a few minutes before reducing the heat to low and simmering for approximately 10 minutes, until the liquid has reduced (stirring regularly). Remove the cinnamon stick.
2) Meanwhile, remove 8 of the lettuce leaves (keeping them intact so that they will act as "wraps" and place onto a serving plate ready to fill.
3) Warm the coconut oil in a medium frying pan on the hob over a medium temperature. Add the jackfruit pieces and fry for 5-6 minutes, stirring regularly.
4) Break the jackfruit pieces up using a fork so that they resemble "pulled pork". Add the plum sauce and cook for a further 1-2 minutes, stirring regularly.
5) To serve, divide the jackfruit mixture evenly between the lettuce "wraps" and enjoy immediately.

Let me know if you try out this recipe! Tag me on Twitter @HaloEats or Instagram @halo.eats 

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