Wednesday 12 April 2017

Fudgey Sweet Potato Chocolate Cake with Creamy Avocado Frosting

fudgey sweet potato chocolate cake with creamy avocado frosting

I really hope that you'll try today's recipe. It's the most wonderfully indulgent, rich & fudgey chocolate cake with creamy frosting. Trust me, you'd never know that it contains sweet potatoes and avocado! I wanted to come up with something really special and chocolatey for Easter and after a little recipe testing, this is the end result- a great celebration cake that needn't be solely reserved for Easter.

Three great health benefits: high in fibre, promotes healthy skin, rich source of iron

Makes 1 small cake

4 cups sweet potato, peeled & chopped into cubes
3 tbsp coconut oil (liquid), plus a little extra for greasing the cake tins
1 cup medjool dates, pitted and chopped in half
6 tbsp maple syrup
6 tbsp raw cacao pow der
1 & 1/4 cups brown rice flour
Generous pinch sea salt

For the frosting:
8 medjool dates, pitted and soaked for 15 minutes in boiling water
3 ripe baby avocado, peeled and with the stone removed
1/2 cup raw cacao powder
1/4 cup maple syrup
Decorations, optional and as desired (I used edible flowers)

1) Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C (fan). Place the sweet potato in a roasting tin with 1 tbsp of the coconut oil and bake for approximately 25 minutes, until tender. Set aside to cool.
2) Grease two 8 inch round cake tins with a little coconut oil or line with greaseproof paper.
3) Place the cooled sweet potato in a food processor along with the dates. Whizz until combined.
4) Add the maple syrup and coconut oil to the food processor and whizz again until combined.
5) Add the cacao powder, brown rice flour and salt to the mixture in the food processor and whizz again until thoroughly combined, stopping and scraping down the sides if necessary.
6) Divide the mixture evenly between the two cake tins (you can weigh this if you want to be really precise) and smooth the top. The mixture is thick and fudgey so you'll need to use a spatula to spread it in the tin. Refrigerate for an hour or overnight.
7) Make the frosting by whizzing together the soaked dates, avocado, cacao powder and maple syrup in a food processor until smooth and creamy. Be sure to continue processing until any green lumps are removed.
8) Use the frosting to assemble and decorate the cake.

Let me know if you try out this recipe! Tag me on Twitter @HaloEats or Instagram @halo.eats 

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