Monday 7 August 2017

Aubergine and Sun-dried Tomato Salad

aubergine and sun-dried tomato salad

I adore aubergines and am so pleased that they're in season now. Their meaty texture makes them a satisfying addition to meals and because they're such great flavour carriers, they're remarkably versatile. I love them in everything from Italian to Indian styles of cooking and they're great in dips or as an alternative to pasta too. Prepare to see them featuring here on Halo Eats a lot this month, starting with this flavour filled salad.

Three great health benefits: boosts immunity, good source of fibre, good source of antioxidants

Serves 1 as a main dish

1 aubergine, cut into bitesized pieces
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp pine nuts
1/3 cup sun-dried tomatoes, drained and chopped
8-10 cherry tomatoes, cut in half
Sea salt & black pepper

For the dressing:
2 tbsp maple syrup
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp balsamic vinegar
Sea salt & black pepper

1) Preheat oven to 180 degrees C.
2) Place the aubergine in a roasting tin, season with plenty of salt & pepper and drizzle with the olive oil so it's evenly distributed. Roast for approximately 25 minutes until the aubergine pieces are cooked. Set aside to cool.
3) Meanwhile, light dry toast (no oil) the pine nuts in a frying pan over a medium heat, keeping a careful eye on them to ensure they don't burn. Set aside to cool.
4) Make the dressing by whisking together the maple syrup, extra virgin olive oil, balsamic and seasoning to taste with salt & pepper.
5) To assemble the salad, place the rocket in a large bowl and top with the aubergine, sun-dried tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and pine nuts. Drizzle with the dressing immediately before serving.

Let me know if you try out this recipe! Tag me on Twitter @HaloEats or Instagram @halo.eats 


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