Wednesday 20 February 2019

Spice Roasted Cauliflower Soup

spice roasted cauliflower soup

Lots of you seem to really like my soup recipes and I think that this one will prove as popular as ever. Cauliflower provides an indulgent creaminess and this, together with the warming spices, makes for the most comforting bowl of soup. Don't be put off the name of this soup if you're not a fan of hot spicy food.. the emphasis here is very much on flavour rather than heat. As tends to be the case with soup, this freezes well so I often double the recipe and make a big batch to freeze in handy individual portions.

Three great health benefits: boosts immunity, good source of fibre, anti-inflammatory

Serves 4

1 cauliflower, chopped into florets (mine weighed 700g)
2 tbsp coconut oil (liquid)
1 & 1/2 tsp ground turmeric
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp chilli flakes
1 onion, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 x 400g coconut milk
500ml vegetable stock
Sea salt and black pepper

1) Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. 
2) Place the cauliflower in a roasting tin & toss together with 1 tbsp of the coconut oil and spices (turmeric, cumin and chilli flakes) so that the florets are evenly coated. Roast for 30 minutes. 
3) In a large saucepan, warm the remaining 1 tbsp coconut oil over a medium heat on the hob. Add the onion and lightly fry for a few minutes until softened. 
4) Add the garlic and lightly fry for a further minute before adding the spice roasted cauliflower.
5) Stir in the coconut milk, vegetable stock and salt & pepper. Bring to the boil then reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes.
6) Place the soup in a blender and blend until smooth, adding a little water if desired to reach your desired texture (I added 200ml). 

Let me know if you try out this recipe! Tag me on Twitter @HaloEats or Instagram @halo.eats

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