Monday 17 June 2019

Asparagus and Broccoli Salad with Pesto Dressing

asparagus and broccoli salad with pesto dressing

This salad is packed full of greens, not to mention flavour, thanks to the pesto dressing which really brings this dish to life and proves that salads needn't equal boring "rabbit food" style dishes. It might seem like there are a few steps to this simple dish but they can be done at the same time, so it can actually be pulled together relatively quickly. The quantities noted make plenty of pesto so you should have sufficient left over to stir into a pasta dish, blend into dips or drizzle over avo toast.

Three great health benefits: helps balance female hormones, beneficial for heart health, boosts immunity

Serves 2, or 4 as a side dish

150g asparagus, trimmed
1 tsp olive oil
125g broccoli florets
2 cloves garlic, peeled
25g pine nuts
A handful of basil leaves (approx 25g)
60ml extra virgin olive oil
Sea salt and black pepper
3 handfuls rocket

1) To prepare the asparagus, heat 1 tsp of olive oil in a wok over a medium to high heat and stir fry the asparagus for a few minutes, until cooked but still crunchy. Set aside to cool.
2) To prepare the broccoli, place in a steamer over a saucepan of boiling water and cook for a few minutes, until deep green in colour. Set aside to cool.
3) Meanwhile, place the garlic cloves in an oven, preheated to 180 degrees C and roast for 10 minutes.
4) To make the pesto, place the roasted garlic in a food processor along with the pine nuts, basil leaves, extra virgin olive oil and salt & pepper, and blend to combine.
5) To serve, place the rocket leaves on a serving plate, scatter the asparagus and broccoli over the top and drizzle with the pesto.

Let me know if you try out this recipe! Tag me on Twitter @HaloEats or Instagram @halo.eats

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