Friday 6 March 2020

Creamy Cannellini Bean Dip

creamy cannellini bean dip

I always have tins of pulses and legumes in my store cupboard. They're ideal for adding to soups, salads and curries, as well as whizzing up to make my beloved dips. Chickpeas feature most frequently in my dips (hello hummus variations!) but today's recipe uses cannellini beans and it might just be the creamiest dip I've made yet! It has a lovely fresh flavour thanks to the lemons which means it pairs really well with crudités as well as adding to buddha bowls, but the smooth and creamy texture also means that it's incredible spread onto toast.
Top tip: I like to batch roast a few cloves of garlic at the weekend, to have on hand for recipes in the week ahead.

Three great health benefits: boosts immunity, beneficial for digestive health, promotes healthy skin 

Makes 1 bowl

1 x 400g cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
1 clove garlic, peeled and roasted for 10 minutes
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp tahini
Grated zest of 1 lemon
Juice of 1/2 lemon
Sea salt and black pepper

1) Place all of the ingredients in a food processor and whizz together until smooth.

Let me know if you try out this recipe! Tag me on Twitter @HaloEats or Instagram @halo.eats

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