Monday 8 June 2020

Overnight Berry Bircher

overnight berry bircher

This is the perfect summer breakfast. It tastes wonderfully fresh and indulgent and is sufficiently satisfying to keep hunger at bay until lunchtime. Prepare in a jar if you want to be able to grab & go in the morning.

Three great health benefits: good source of fibre, beneficial for heart health, promotes healthy skin

Serves 1

75g gluten free oats
150ml almond milk (I always use unsweetened)
50g frozen mixed berries
2 tbsp coconut yoghurt
1 tsp maple syrup
Couple of strawberries, chopped

1) Mix together the oats, almond milk and frozen berries. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
2) In the morning, stir the mixture (you may wish to add a further splash of almond milk). Stir in the maple syrup and top with the coconut yoghurt and strawberries.

Let me know if you try out this recipe! Tag me on Twitter @HaloEats or Instagram @halo.eats

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