Wednesday 15 March 2017

Beetroot, Lentil and Walnut Salad with Orange Vinaigrette

beetroot lentil and walnut salad with orange vinaigrette

Salad is so often associated with boring rabbit food- but it can be much more than just lettuce, cucumber and tomato so shouldn't be dismissed. Still not convinced? Try this. It's a satisfying salad which combines earthy flavours from lentils and sweet beetroot with zesty orange, whilst the leaves add freshness. What's more, the walnuts add crunch and a nutty flavour as well as providing a plant based source of protein, and the citrus helps in the absorption of minerals. It's so good!

Three great health benefits: helps support the body's detoxification process, good source of fibre, beneficial for heart health

Serves 1
Once the dressing has been added, enjoy immediately. The salad can be enjoyed warm or cold.

1 beetroot (mine weighed 200g)
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 cup puy lentils (equal to 100g)
1/4 cup walnut halves or pieces
Generous handful baby leaves

For the dressing:
Zest (grated) and juice of an orange (mine measured 100ml)
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp maple syrup
Sea salt and black pepper

Note that this yields 200ml dressing, which is far more than is required for a serving of this salad so feel free to reduce the quantities or, do as I do and make the full batch and refrigerate for use during the week- it's so delicious!

1) Boil the beetroot whole for an hour in a large saucepan, ensuring that it remains covered with the water.
2) Preheat oven to 180 degrees C.
3) Remove the beetroot from the water and peel and chop into large chunks. Place with 1 tbsp olive oil in a roasting tin and roast for 20 minutes, turning halfway through the cooking time.
4) Meanwhile, cook the lentils according to the packet instructions. Drain and set aside.
5) Make the dressing by whisking together all of the ingredients- the orange zest and juice, extra virgin olive oil, apple cider vinegar, maple syrup and salt & pepper. The dressing with separate over time so you may need to shake it or give it another whisk before serving.
6) Place the baby leaves together with the lentils in a serving dish and top with the beetroot and walnuts. Drizzle with the orange vinaigrette.

Let me know if you try out this recipe! Tag me on Twitter @HaloEats or Instagram @halo.eats 

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