Wednesday 22 March 2017

Rosemary Roasted Cauliflower, Jerusalem Artichokes and Brussels Sprouts

rosemary roasted cauliflower jerusalem artichokes and brussels sprouts

This is a simple dish which makes a great accompaniment to a main meal. I was inspired to create it after browsing and buying some beautiful fresh cauliflower and Jerusalem artichokes at a local market and purposefully kept the flavours simple so that the delicious seasonal produce would speak for itself.

Three great health benefits: immunity boosting, beneficial for heart health, helps promote the body's detoxification process

Serves 3
Enjoy immediately

250g cauliflower, washed and cut into bitesized florets
300g Brussels sprouts, washed, with the bases removed and each sprout cut in half
300g Jerusalem artichokes, washed and cut into bitesized chunks
4 sprigs fresh rosemary, washed
2 tbsp olive oil
Sea salt and black pepper, to taste

1) Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C.
2) Place the cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and Jerusalem artichokes in a single layer in a large roasting tin, along with three of the rosemary sprigs. Strip the final rosemary sprig of its leaves and sprinkle them throughout the tin. Season with salt and pepper and add the oil, ensuring all of the vegetables are evenly coated.
3) Roast for 30 minutes, turning halfway through the cooking time. Enjoy immediately.

Let me know if you try out this recipe! Tag me on Twitter @HaloEats or Instagram @halo.eats 

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