Friday 17 March 2017

Green Juice: Kale, Apple, Ginger & Lemon

green juice with kale apple ginger and lemon

You didn't think I was going to let St Patrick's Day pass without a green juice recipe, did you? Perhaps a little cliched, yes but I wanted to include this green juice as it is a delicious introduction for beginners. I had originally designed the recipe as a three ingredient juice with just kale, apple and ginger but I decided to add in lemon at the last minute because vitamin C aids in the absorption of iron from the kale. I'm pleased that I did because the sharpness of the lemon balances the bitter, peppery kale and makes it more drinkable. Ginger adds a spicy kick whilst apple adds sweetness so that this is easier to drink than some green juices. It's wonderfully refreshing and a great way to start the morning.

Three great health benefits: supports the body's detoxification process, good source of iron, boosts immunity

Makes 1 small glass

2 large handfuls of kale, washed
1 apple, washed
1- 1 & 1/2 inch piece fresh ginger
1/4 lemon, peeled

1) Starting with the ginger, feed the ingredients through a juicer one at a time. Pour into a serving glass and enjoy immediately.

Let me know if you try out this recipe! Tag me on Twitter @HaloEats or Instagram @halo.eats 

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